Griffon Nivernais Puppies
Griffon Nivernais is a dog of French origin specially bred for hunting purposes. They are one of the friendliest dogs and make up a good family companion. They are intelligent, friendly and playful dogs. They have great smelling ability making them great hunting dogs.
They can be one of the smartest dogs you will encounter. A mother Griffon Nivernais gives birth to 1 to 6 puppies at a time. To know more about your favorite breed puppy stage keep reading the article below.
Neonatal Stage (0-2 Weeks)
The neonatal stage is a very early age for puppies. During this period of time, the puppies are really unknown to their surrounding. During this period of time, their ears and eyes are completely closed, and have no vision and sense of hearing. This is the phase where they need to be under the complete care of their mother and only rely on them.

Griffon Nivernais only drink milk and sleep during this period. Their body temperature is very sensitive and needs comfort and warmth from their mother as well as their other siblings. When exposed to a cold or moderate climate they have a higher chance of dying.
The puppies can’t be given any solid foods and can only be fed milk during this period. Their digesting capabilities are not developed during this period. They should be under proper care in a clean environment and should be on blankets or any other warm objects.
Transitional Stage (2-4 Weeks)
The transitional stage lasts up to four weeks. During this period there is growth in the puppies’ vision and their eyes slowly start to open. They become aware of the movements around them. They start to recognize their mother, their littermates, and other objects near them. They also show signs of movement.
Griffon Nivernais also becomes aware of its surroundings and tries to learn their mother’s movement and have interactions with their littermates. They explore the surroundings around them and observe them.
Socialization Stage (4-16 Weeks)
During this period of time, the puppies try to be more playful around their mother and littermates. They are taught basic manners during this period by their mother. If there is no presence of their mother then their masters should be teaching them basic manners and behaviors.
They should not be separated for more than 10 minutes from their mothers or littermates during this period as this is an important learning period of their life. They learn to be social during this phase of their life. They should not be disciplined for their behavior of biting and destroying as they are in their learning phase and will slowly start learning about the activities. They need to be as social as possible.
Juvenile Stage (4-6 Months)
This is the playful period for the puppies. They are way more energetic and can overdo the activities. They need to be kept in control and should be disciplined. They should be given proper training so they can get ready for the future.

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The teeth of the puppies start developing during this period of time so their teeth start to itch and they can chew on whatever they see around themselves. They should be provided with chewable materials and toys so they don’t destroy the belongings of the household. They rapidly change during this time.
They try to fit themselves in the surroundings they are in and try to be dominant. They should not be given the chance to be dominant over any other person or their littermates. They should be under a leash whenever they are out in public areas. They can run off if not done so. They should only be left free when they are in a confined space.
Adolescence Stage (6-12 Months)
The puppies during this stage in their life approach full growth. With the growing puppy, their training should also be gradually increased. They should be given the chance to interact with other people other than families and also with other non-aggressive dogs.

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They also develop their sexual behaviour during this stage. Based on the behaviour of their master, they can be aggressive or may not be aggressive. In case of their aggressiveness, they can be calmed down with certain surgical procedures. The male puppies can be neutered and female puppies can be spayed.
Vaccination Chart For Griffon Nivernais
6 to 8 weeks | Distemper, Parvovirus |
10 to 12 weeks | DHPP( Vaccines for Distemper, Parainfluenza, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis) |
16 to 18 weeks | DHPP, Rabies |
Every 1 year | DHPP |
Every 1 to 3 years | Rabies |
Vaccination Cost Of Griffon Nivernais
DHPP | $75-$100 |
Rabies Vaccine | $15-$20 |
For more information on puppies keep visiting Dog Lime!