Dogue de Bordeaux Puppies
Dogue de Bordeaux also known as “French Mastiff” is a large mastiff-type breed with a loyal, courageous, and protective nature. They have the largest head in the canine world in proportion to the rest of the body. Their body is board and sturdily built but can move like a lion when duty calls. In addition, they can give birth to 5-6 puppies at a time.
While growing up, they go through a lot of behavior and physical changes till their adulthood. Here in this article, you get to know the changes of every phase from being a puppy to a grown dog.
Neonatal Stage (0-2 Weeks)
When a baby Dogue de Bordeaux is born, their eyes and ears are shut with no teeth for two weeks. This is a very delicate period as they can’t produce heat by themselves and rely on their mother. Puppies separated from the group are likely to die from hypothermia. The feeding and caring are all done by their mother until they can take care of themselves.

The newborns need their mother’s milk every two hours to maintain their weight. The milk contains colostrum which improves the immune system and healthy digestion. In the case of the separated pup, feed them a bottle of milk and take them to a warm and cozy place. At the end of the 2nd week, your pup will gain double its birth weight.
Transitional Stage (2-4 Weeks)
The transitional stage is when they start to show physical as well as behavioral changes. Firstly they open their eyes and start to hear for the first time. However, their vision is still blurry as it takes some time to clear. By this time, they get new growing puppy teeth that call for chewing and can be fed solid food. They will get more familiar with the mother and littermate by this time.

Image Source: Jenn Pet Vet’s Blog
The pup will learn to walk, play, and communicate with its littermate. However, the walk will be wobble at first as they gradually learn afterward. During this time they can pee and poop on their own without their mother’s help as they don’t rely on her. Feeding them the required diet is important for their growth as they grow to double their weight.
Socialization Stage (4-12 Weeks)
Dogue de Bordeaux is a vigilant and fearless protector that needs socialization and early obedience training. They are a sensible dog that requires trust on everything as the rough trainer must be avoided. The owner should be very calm and patient without being harsh on them.
As they reach 5-6 weeks, they have all set of baby teeth. The pup becomes more stronger and curious about the environment so they will try to escape the weaning box. Hence, it’s time for you to take care of them and making their surroundings clean and fresh.
When they reach 8 weeks start with their obedience training using simple commands like ‘sit, ‘come’, ‘jump’, ‘stay’, and so on. Similarly, being their potty training it may take some time for them to master. Then expose them to the outer world by socializing with other canines and people. Take them to places like parks, sports games, and festivals. Socialization helps to build up their behavior, improve mental and emotional health.
Juvenile Stage (3 To 6 Months)
This is the time where your pup starts to lose its cute puppy face looking more like an adult. They are energetic at this time so it can be difficult to control them. Therefore, continuing training sessions is a must to make them attentive and obedient. As they are 4 months old, start their advanced training but remember to limit their exercise to low-impact as excessive training can strain their bones and joints. Do not allow them to run up and down stairs or jump higher than their back.

Image Source: Pinterest
Alongside training, teach them to respect the family members and spend more time with them. Keep reminding them that you are the leader without using harsh words. In addition, feed them 3 times a day at this age with high-quality puppy food filled with nutrition for their development.
Adolescence Stage (6 To 18 Months)
At this age, your dog completely gains its adult face entering adolescence. They go through a lot of personality changes this time and have acquired their ideal body. Therefore, proper guidance and motivation can help with their training session. Dogue de Bordeaux now finally achieves their adult teeth by losing their puppy teeth. Continue with their low-impact exercise till 18 months and then increase their intensity level.

Image Source: Pinterest
The 6 months old female dog now experiences their first heat as the male dog shows more interest in females. However, breeding at this age is not recommended as they are not prepared mentally and physically. The breeding can be done once they hit 16-18 months old as they are now matured enough for the mating.
Vaccination Chart For Dogue de Bordeaux
6 to 8 Weeks | Distemper, parvovirus |
10 to 12 Weeks | DHPP (vaccines for distemper, adenovirus, parainfluenza, and parvovirus) |
16 to 18 Weeks | DHPP, rabies |
Every 1 to 2 Years | DHPP |
Every 1 to 3 Years | Rabies (as required by law) |
Vaccination Chart For Dogue de Bordeaux.
Vaccination Cost
The cost for the DDHP vaccines for Dogue de Bordeaux are between $75-$100 and for rabies it is between $15-$20.
Visit at Doglime for more puppies information.
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