Dogo Argentino is a large white breed developed in Argentina for big-game that includes wild boar and puma. They are an athletic fierce dog that is also trained for military work, search and rescue, police assistance, and service dogs. These breeds are gentle protectors of their humans.

Female Argentino gives birth to 8 to 10 puppies at a time. Likewise, their physical and behavioral development changes a lot throughout their growth. Here is some information about their maturing process from one month to one year.

Neonatal Stage (0-2 Weeks)

The newborn puppies are born with their eyes and ears closed with no teeth. They only have smelling sense and totally depend upon their mother for their necessities. The puppies are unable to urinate or defecate on there while the mother helps them by licking their belly that stimulates them to pee and poop. Right from birth, don’t separate them from mother and littermates as they can’t generate heat and die from hyperthermia.

Cleaning and feeding are done by the mother while you can check up on them if she is doing it right. Only feed mother milk as it contains colostrum that keeps puppies safe from various health problems. Try to avoid feeding formula milk unless the mother can’t feed them. They need enough sleep for their development that means 90% sleep a day. With enough sleep the pup will gain double its original weight at week 2.

Transitional Stage (2-4 Weeks)

This stage is very interesting for your little Dogo as you see various physical and behavioral changes with them. The puppy will now be able to see and hear for the first time as their eyes and ears will slowly open. However, their vision is still blurry that takes some time to be clear. Then they will learn to walk and do their wobble walk while play alongside their littermates.

Adorable baby Dogo Argentino raising hands.
Image Source: AKC Marketplace

Around week 3, the pup will communicate with siblings and mother in their own language by expanding their vocals and barking. They may even try to escape the whelping box to follow around their mother. By the time they reach week 4, they start to explore more surroundings instead of sleeping. Furthermore, they learn to urinate and defecate on their own as the mother won’t do cleaning for them.

Socialization Stage (4-12 Weeks)

The socialization stage is extremely important for the dog as this behavior stays with them for a lifetime. It is also the perfect time for your dog to get social with other dogs and people. At the age of 5-6 weeks, they have baby teeth set that calls for a lot of chewing due to the itch in their teeth. Invest in some good chewable toys as they can chew on anything they want. They can now consume more solid foods from the bowl rather than drinking their mother’s milk.

When they reach 7-8 weeks it’s time for them to socialize with the outer world but before exposing make sure your dog is comfortable and ready for it. The purpose of socialization is to make them comfortable and safe when they go out. It is also the best time to bond with your Argentino as they are more playful around the time. You can even start with their basic training where you teach some tricks and commands.

Ranking Stage 3 to 6 Months

In this period, the puppy has a lot of strength in their body and they might be difficult to train or control. So, training is needed to make them more obedient and attentive. During this period they test out their ranking by being dominant and or submissive. For a better training session, send them to puppy school where they learn many new skills and tricks reguraly.

3 months old Dogo Argentino laying on the floor.
Image Source: Dog Breeds

At this time, they are highly affected by their playmates- both dogs and people. Thus, your behavior, love, and affection matter the most as you will get the same energy in return. But on the other hand, if your behavior isn’t right, then they know how to dominate you. Furthermore, they have a chewing phase where they chew on everything. In addition, they start to lose their puppy phase looking more like an adult.

Adolescence Stage 6 to 18 Months

The adolescence stage is where your pup totally gains his adult face by completely losing its puppy face. They also start to gain two-third of adult weight and lose all their baby teeth while having a new set of adult teeth. Start focusing on their food while switching puppy food to adult where you feed a high-quality balanced diet. They are athletic dogs so, it’s also time for their advanced training like agility, flying disc, and other dog sports.

Picture of Adult Dogo Argentino.
Image Source: ARGENTUM Dogo Argentino

The female Dogo Argentino pup will also experience its first heat while the male pup will show more interest in them. However, it’s not the right time for their breeding as their mind are not fully prepared for it and can hamper their health. So wait, until they reach 16-18 months old.

Vaccination Chart for Dogo Argentino

6 to 8 WeeksDistemper, parvovirus
10 to 12 WeeksDHPP (vaccines for distemper, adenovirus, parainfluenza, and parvovirus)
16 to 18 WeeksDHPP, rabies
Every 1 to 2 YearsDHPP
Every 1 to 3 YearsRabies (as required by law)

Vaccination Chart For Dogo Argentino.

Vaccination cost for Dogo Argentino

The cost of the vaccination for Dogo Argentino is between $75-$100 for DDHP and for rabies is between $15-$20.

Click here at Doglime for more puppies information.