Lancashire Heeler Puppies
The most exciting moment of rearing a dog is surely the time when they give birth to little puppies allowing us to observe their life from the very beginning. We get new buddies to play with that adds sparkle in our life.
The small-sized vulnerable but alert and friendly Lancashire Heeler goes through various developmental stages before transforming into an adult. Here are some pieces of information about the transformation of the Lancashire Heeler puppies.
Newborn Stage
The Lancashire Heeler puppies are born deaf, blind and also toothless at the time of their birth. They fully rely on their mother’s milk to fight against infections as it contains antibiotics. They are very weak in terms of maintaining their body temperature, so they depend on their mother and littermates for this.

Neonatal Stage (Birth to 2 weeks old)
The Lancashire Heeler puppies cannot see and hear as their eyes and ears are sealed at the time of their birth. They also do not have teeth but can taste and use their sense of touch to locate their mother and litter mates.
The Lancashire Heeler puppies will be spending most of their time sleeping as various neurological developments will be going inside them.
Transitional Stage (2 to 4 weeks old)
Transitional Stage starts with exciting changes in your Lancashire Heeler puppies. Sealed eyes and ears start opening by the 3rd week and their eyesight development gets completed by the 4th week.
The Lancashire Heeler puppies will be able to stand and walk a bit. They will also be prone to wag their tail and bark. Their sense of smelling and hearing develop and teeth begin to grow.
Socialization Stage (4 to 12 weeks old)
Though the socialization stage starts from the 4th week and lasts throughout the puppy’s life, the consecutive period between 4 to 12 weeks are considered very important and effective.
In this stage, the Lancashire puppies will require socialization with their surroundings and interaction with other dogs and human because they develop curiosity. It is necessary to watch after your puppies in the 6th week as they start to accept others as their pack. A bit of training should be started for developing good habits and manners.
Ranking Stage (3 to 6 months old)
Ranking or the Juvenile Stage is considered the Elementary School Age as the Lancashire puppies will start developing emotions and experience a gradual change in their confidence. They become independent of their mother for quite an extent.

Teeth development gets completed and hence, activities such as teething and mouthing start. Their pack members and mates have a huge influence on their behaviors.
Adolescent Stage (6 to 18 months old)
Adolescent Stage starts with the development of sexual and emotional behaviors in the Heeler puppies. They reach their puberty and get attracted to dogs of the opposite sex.
The Lancashire puppies develop an alpha dog personality and start challenging their owners for the authority of leading. They are likely to become aggressive to dogs of the same sex to prove dominance. Hence, it becomes very necessary to provide obedience classes and behavioral training on time.
Visit Doglime for more dog breed and their puppies’ information.