Gunther III, a German Shepherd, was considered the most decadent dog in the world, with an inherited fortune of around $402 million. It was said that Gunther III’s fortune came from his late owner, German countess Karlotta Liebenstein.

But, it looks like it was just another fairytale story people listen to wonder. The dog never inherited anything but stardom through some cheap stunts of its owner Maurizio Miam. The only thing happening here was tax evasion where the story of the rich dog was getting viral and subject to public opinion.

Countess Karlotta lived a lavish lifestyle and was known for her love of animals, especially her dog Gunther. There is a story that upon her death, she left her entire fortune to Gunther, making him one of the wealthiest canines in the world.

You all have heard stories that Gunther lived a life of luxury, with homes in Miami, Germany, and the Bahamas. He was often seen driving around in his custom-made Ferrari and was even known to have a personal chef who prepared gourmet meals for him.

It is said that Gunther was even involved in various charitable endeavors and made donations to animal shelters and organizations that promoted the well-being of animals. Like he really cared. What a story made up?

But the real story here is that the dog was only used as a source for funneling money for tax evasion. Yes! The new Netflix series which revolves around the wealth of Gunther The Dog shows how the idea was formed in the mind of Maurizio Mian to evade tax.

Mian wanted to make Gunther the public story where he did multiple stunts involving Gunther. Once his fame was fading away in the media, he did another massive stunt by buying Madonna’s $7.5 million house in Miami.

When Gunther III suddenly died, Mian used an identical German Sephard Gunther IV who also died. Next, come to the similar-looking Gunther V and now VI. The idea is to have one dog that would inherit the property.

Mian also tried to sell the stupid idea that his child with Christina Miam was actually fathered by Gunther to create a superhuman race. Like the world would believe it.

The so-considered richest dog was just a hoax created to avoid tax.

Currently, Gunther VI and Mian are living in Italy.