Australian Terrier Puppies
Australian Terrier is a small-sized dog breed that was originated in Australia as a working dog. They are a very energetic and lively dog that is suitable in a house with both small kids and old people.
The Australian Terrier is a small-sized dog due to which they mature faster than the large-sized dog breeds. Here are the different development stages of the Australian puppies from birth to one year.
Newborn Australian Terrier Puppies
The newborn Australian Terrier is a fragile little puppy that is blind, deaf, and toothless. They rely on their mother from food to defecating. As soon as they are born, it is very necessary to provide the mother and the puppies a clean and warm place.
This is the period where the puppies should only have their mother’s milk as food. Since the milk contains colostrum, it is high in antibodies that help to protect the puppies from all kinds of health problems.
Neonatal Stage (0-2 Weeks)
It is a stage where the puppies are vulnerable and need full support from their mother. The mother provides them warmth which the puppies cannot generate on their own. They pile up against the body of their mother which keeps them warm. Since the puppies also cannot defecate on their own, the mother licks their tummy for stimulating them to defecate.

Image Source: Youtube-@Pamela Levy
The puppies need a great deal of sleep for the proper development of their bodies. They only wake up for food and again goes back to sleep.
Transitional Stage (2-4 Weeks)
One of the very important stages is the transitional stage where the puppies slowly begin to open their eyes and ears. At 10-12 days, their eyelids open and they will have a vivid vision. By the beginning of the third week, they start to hear their mother’s voices and sound around the surrounding.
They also start making their own vocabulary by whining, yelping, and barking. They now can communicate with their littermates by their own vocabulary. ‘

Image Source: Animals Breeds
Socialization Stage (4-16 Weeks)
The Australian Terrier puppies need to be exposed to the outer world at this age. They need to know about the outside world of other humans and canines. First leash training is important before taking them out for socialization. After they can walk on a leash, take them out to a park where they can meet new people and canine friends.
This stage is also a time to give a basic obedience training to your puppies. Teach them basic commands with positive reinforcement. Between weeks 6 and 8, they need vaccination against distemper. Vaccination against parvovirus infection and adenovirus should be given between 10-12 weeks.
The vaccination against rabies should be given between 12-24 weeks of age.
Juvenile Stage (3-6 Months)
At the age of 3 to 6 months, the Australian Terrier puppies are grown bigger. Their puppy face begins to fade away slowly and you can see them maturing slowly. The training should be continued with some treats rewards as well as lots of vocal praise to keep them motivated.

Image Source: Youtube-@ Pamela Levy
You should get familiar with the Australian Terrier temperament and behavior, so you can respond to them accordingly. Around 6 months, the Australian Terrier experienced its first heat which is common and healthy. However, mating and breeding at such a small age is not healthy and can be harmful to their health.
Adolescent Stage (6-12 Months)
The puppies of the Australian Terrier are grown up at this age and are more mature physically although they are still puppy from the inside and can be seen in their behavior. They need to be jumped from basic training to advance training. Since it is a working dog, the Australian Terrier needs a good amount of exercise and they enjoy outdoor paying and working.
Provide them with a complete balanced diet and required supplements after consulting a veterinarian.
Visit Doglime for more puppies development stage and their behavior.