Berger Picard Puppies
Berger Picard is a medium-sized dog breed that was developed in French as a herding dog. It has a muscular and strong body that is covered with a rusty, wiry coat and has 4-5 inches high ears which makes it recognizable from miles away.
The lively, stubborn, and mellow temperament of the Berger Picard makes it an excellent pet for an experienced and active dog owner. It can give birth to 6-8 puppies at a time that needs good care and training from their puppyhood.
The newborn Berger Picard puppies are completely deaf, blind, toothless, and unable to walk. They are vulnerable and are completely dependent on their mother for defecating to staying warm. The mother stimulates the puppies to defecate and pee by licking their stomach. She also keeps them warm and cozy as the puppies cannot generate body heat on their own for some weeks.
Neonatal Stage (0-2 Weeks)
The Berger Picard puppies at this stage are very fragile and rely on their mother for everything. The mother keeps them warm and safe, feeds them her milk which is rich in antibodies and cleans them. Since the puppies cannot see or hear anything, they use their sense of smell to get to their mother and feed her milk crawling and following her scent.

Image Source: Sketchbook Berger Picards
For about 2 weeks, the puppies should only be fed with the mother’s milk as it protects them from all kinds of possible diseases. They also require a lot of sleep in order to develop their body and mind properly. You can see the changes in their size in the second week. Always keep them in a warm place beside their mother, otherwise, they might die of hypothermia.
Transitional Stage (2-4 Weeks)
It is a very important stage for the Berger Picard puppies as it is a period where they get familiar with the new world. They can see for the first time in 10 days where the vision is vivid but they can figure their mother and other littermates. By the 14 days, the puppies start to hear the sound and get to know how they sound for the first time.
The puppies start forming their own vocabulary and communicate with their mother and littermates. Their teeth also start to grow in a sharp form and for the first time, the puppies sample food from their mother’s plate. They start to walk slowly and produce sound by whining, barking, and yelping.

Image Source: Berger Picard Club Canada
Socialization Stage (4-16 Weeks)
When the Berger Picard puppies reach 4 weeks, they need to be exposed to the outside world. Leash train them before taking them out for human and canine interaction. Slowly present them to the outside world by taking them to the park and introducing them with a variety of people and canines. Start giving them basic obedience training and other basic tricks.
Start providing vaccination against rabies, distemper, DDHP, adenovirus, and medication for heartworm.
Juvenile Stage (3-6 Months)
The juvenile stage is when the Berger Picard puppies start losing their puppy face and starts getting more of the adult face. The puppies start playing, running, and eating solid food as well. Give them a high-quality puppy food with all the nutrition that they need.
Involve them in regular physical exercise and start pre-agility training for them. They are very energetic at this stage, so the required physical exercise is done by themselves and you should only train them moderately.
Adolescence Stage (6-12 Months)
The adolescence is the last stage of the puppy’s development. At this stage, the Berger puppies are fully grown and reached adulthood. Their interaction with people and other canines should be continued, so they do not become shy or timid around them.
Although at this stage, the Berger Picard reaches the sexual maturity, they are not ready for mating and breeding. It might be risky for their health, so wait till they reach the age of 18 months.
Involve them in agility, tricks, and dog sports for their mental stimulation and healthy body. They need high-quality adult dog food with complete nutrition in it. So, provide them with healthy diets and required supplements.
Visit Doglime for more information about different breed’s puppy behavior.