Can Dog Eat Cashews?
Cashews contain many health benefits for our body, joints, and bones as its high in protein, fiber, copper, and so on. In addition, it is also known as good fat that increases good cholesterol by eliminating bad cholesterol and gives a lot of energy. As for humans, daily intake of cashews does wonder and gives various health benefits.
As a dog owner, one must take care of their dog health so if you are here for research, means you have already are a great dog owner. Meanwhile, we hear that nuts are not good for your dog’s health but do every nut including cashew falls on that side? Likewise, does it gives the same health benefit to your dog? Let’s find out about it.
Can Dog Eat Cashews?
Yes, cashews are among the healthy and safe nuts that aren’t toxic for your dog. It falls under high-protein and high-fat snacks. Additionally, cashews contain omega-6 fatty acids along with a number of vitamins that does wonder to their health, body, and skin.

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As we all know “Too much of everything is bad”. Likewise, always plan and feed a balanced diet to your dog according to their weight and activity level. For instance, feed 10% of calorie among their diet like 3-4 cashews per day for a 20-pound dog. You can plan it out with your veteran or feeding cashews sometimes is totally appropriate.
How To Feed Your Dog Cashews?
Cashews are nuts that can be mixed with various food making them soft to properly digest. To add cashews to your dog diet, there are several options like buying a package of nuts, grinding it, or add-in a recipe. If you choose a package of nuts, first check if it contains other types of nuts as some might be toxic for your dog.
Similarly, use them in dessert recipes instead of peanut or peanut butter. Also, if they can’t eat full cashew, grind them and mix them into their food. However, you can also switch to cashew butter or cashew milk but remember to feed into moderation.
When to not feed Cashews?
Since cashews have different health benefits it might not be the same case for every dog. As it is a high-fat snack daily consumption leads to obesity, pancreatitis, and so on.
Likewise, an increase in weight causes problems like diabetes or joint issues. In addition, remember most cashews are salted so, excess salt causes weakness, vomiting, seizures, diarrhea, and muscle tremors. Hence, if your dog easily weight gain then watch out for extra calories they gain from cashews.

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Another major factor to consider is an allergic reaction if your dog has one. We, humans, have a dangerous allergic reaction but it’s not the same for dogs. However, check for symptoms like itching, hives, and swelling when you feed cashew for the first time. If you see some related symptoms then stop feeding cashew and call your vet.
Benefits and Effects of Cashews
The health benefit of cashews is very long as they contain calcium, phosphorous, copper, magnesium, and iron. The calcium and phosphorous benefit for bone formation, coagulation, and nerve impulse transmission. Likewise, iron helps to make enzymes and hemoglobin in the body. Similarly, magnesium assists to absorb vitamins and calcium, iron and develop strong as well as healthy eyes and skin. Lastly, copper helps to create red blood cells and form collagen.
On the other hand, cashews also have bad effects on health, especially salted cashews. Some dogs have problems digesting full cashews that lead to obstruction of the intestines. In addition, they might choke cashews as well if so contact your vet immediately. As mentioned earlier, cashews contain high fats that result in obesity and other stomach problem. So, limit their cashews intake or avoid it completely according to your dog.
To sum up, cashews are not harmful like other nuts and are edible in a moderate amount. Remember to give a handful of cashews to maintain their health and diet. Also, check if your dog is allergic to cashew or not as some can be allergic to certain food. Always remember to consult your vet for proper guidance or for any queries regarding feeding cashews to your dog.
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