Eurasier Dog Training
The loyal and devoted Eurasier or Eurasian dogs are well known for their wonderful companionship that they provide to their owners. They are used as the family dogs.
Eurasian dogs can be a wonderful addition to the family if trained and socialized on time. Here are some strategies and techniques to train the Eurasier.
When to start the training?
If you are confused about when to start training your Eurasier, then don’t worry we have your back. The answer is, formal training is delayed until your Eurasier reaches one year.

However, you can start by giving simple clues to your dog such as “come”, “sit” and “go”. Eurasier is an intelligent breed and hence, can learn these things very quickly.
Where to start the training?
Every dog starts learning things from their home. Similarly, the Eurasian dog also starts building up the training from your home. You can start training your Eurasian at home and also in the backyard if it is large enough to comfort your dog.
As your Eurasian reaches the right age for formal training, you can start taking them to public parks, dog parks and other dog friendly places. This will help them to socialize well with the surrounding and other dogs as well.
You can also start taking your Eurasian to obedience classes where they’ll get to learn to respect their owners and be well-mannered with them.
How to define task to your pet?
Defining task to your Eurasier is a very difficult task that you’ll have to face while training them. As the dog is training for the first time, they might act stubborn and willing to be lazy.
This shouldn’t stop you from defining the task to your Eurasian dog. You’ll have to be very patient and teach the command by demonstrating it first by yourself. Be sure to use hand gestures as they read your body language.
The training process
Here are some training processes that you can go through to train your Eurasian dog.
Positive Reinforcement
Positive Reinforcement is regarded as one of the best training process that you can apply to train your dogs. It generally refers to adding something in order to increase a response. For example, adding a treat will increase the response of your dog obey your commands such as come, go and stay.

The most common types of positive reinforcement are praise and rewards after which your Eurasier develops a thinking that obeying your commands will result in delicious food items and praise.
Clicker Training
Clicker refers to a metal stripe inside a small plastic box that produces a distinct sound when pressed. The clicker is very fast and much more effective than saying “good dog”.
To teach your Eurasian the meaning of a click, you should provide them a treat after clicking. You should teach your Eurasier that responding correctly to your commands will result in treats. However, you should keep the treats irrelevant.
What you should abide is that you should never use the clicker to gain your Eurasier’s attention or call them. It should be used for what it actually meant for.
You should let your Eurasians to the outer world and explore all they can. This will help them to know about their surroundings and adapt themselves accordingly. They’ll get familiar with other dogs and pets.

Close human interaction with your Eurasier should be done which will prevent from being shy or aggressive with strangers in the future. If socialized properly, the Eurasian dogs are likely to share their house happily even with cats.
Strategies and Techniques for easy training of Eurasians
With the above mentioned training methods, you can use these strategies to formulate you training properly.
Be gentle
Eurasian is a very affectionate breed that seeks love and affection from their owner and their family. You’ll have to very gentle while training them. See what changes they’ll bring.
Avoid Punishments
With such a friendly and devoted nature, the Eurasian dogs are very much suited to be loved and they don’t like being scolded and punished. Doing so will make them lose their trust towards you. So, reduce and almost avoid punishing your dog.
Make Training a Habit
In order to master up your Eurasian dog’s skills and abilities, you’ll have to train them on a daily basis and make training a part of their day-to-day schedule.
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