General Information

Dog NameDandie Dinmont Terrier
Other NamesHindlee Terrier
Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Breed TypePurebred
Breed ForHunting Fox and Otter
Country of OriginUnited Kingdom (UK)

Physical And Size

Min Life Span12
Max Life Span15
Min Ideal Weight for male8
Max Ideal Weight for male10
Min Ideal Weight for female8
Max Ideal Weight for male10


Intelligent Rank
Affection Level
Social Needs
Watchdog Ability


TemperamentProud, Independent, Affectionate
Prey DriveYes
Fighting DogNo


Stranger FriendlyHigh
Child FriendlyHigh
Cat FriendlyHigh
Dog FriendlyHigh
Office FriendlyHigh
Apartment FriendlyHigh
Senior Citizens FriendlyHigh
Service DogHigh
Search and Rescue DogHigh
Biting PotentialMedium
Country of OriginScotland
Nicknames and Other NamesHindlee Terrier
Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Breed TypePurebred
GroupTerrier Group
Bred ForFox and Otter Hunter
Recognized ByKC, UKC, AKC, CKC, ANKC,
Life Span12-15 years
Ideal Weight18-24 pounds (male and female)
Ideal Height8-11 inches (male and female)
Fur TypeRough coated
Common ColorsPepper
AvailabilityCommonly available
Achievementsnamed for a fictional character
Suitable for ApartmentsYes
Used in World WarNo
Most Similar ToGlen of Imaal Terrier

Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small terrier dog which has a unique appearance, quite different from other terrier dogs. They have a large domed hair that is covered with soft, silky white hair, feathery hanging ears and large eyes that are set low in front of the head.

Although Dandie Dinmonts are small, they are muscular with short and powerful legs. Their teeth are sharp, somewhat like a scissor. They are an intelligent and independent breed that suited for hunting rather than being a lapdog.

Origin and History

Dandie Dinmonts were originated in the 1700s from Cheviot Hills area between England and Scotland. The name this breed got is from a fictional character in the novel Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott published in 1814.
They were bred for hunting small game and tracking otter and badger.

The ancestors of Dandie Dinmont is unknown but it is believed that the rough terrier, native of the area is the basis of the breed. They were not only popular among farmers but were also popular among the nobility and even royalty.

Is Dandie Dinmont Child-Friendly?

Dandie Dinmont is typically child-friendly, as long as they are brought up together. They go along with the children of the same house well but for other children, they should be socialized and expose to them at an early age. Younger children should be taught to approach dogs to avoid any rough playing.
Dandie Dinmont taking a nap by baby girl side

Behavior, Temperament, and Personality

The temperament of Dandie Dinmont terrier is independent, active and proud. They are courageous and do not easily back down when they feel threatened. They do not show quick aggression like most other terrier dogs. Dandie Dinmont is a watchdog and they are suspicious of strangers. They warn their master with a loud bark if they see any strange activity going around.

Dandie Dinmont loves to be with family and mostly form a strong bond with one person of the family. Leaving them for a long period of time can lead to their destructive behavior. They are devoted and loyal to their family and makes a great companion.

They do well with older children but with younger children, you should be careful. If the children by mistake pull their hair or ears or even snatch their food, they may get aggressive and bite. A house with already another same-sex dog is not a good place for a male Dandie Dinmont.


Training a Dandie Dinmont Terrier can be a challenging task to do. They are independent and stubborn and think of themselves as a leader. Therefore, you should prove them wrong and show that you are the leader. Establish firm leadership with confidence and consistency. Include lots of delicious treats with word praises to keep motivating them. The training session should be short and fun.


  • Dandie Dinmont is the only dog to get its name from a fictional character, that is of a farmer from the book ‘Guy Mannering’.
  • Queen Elizabeth had owned a Dandie Dinmont.
  • Dandie Dinmont was recognized by American Kennel Club in 1886 and rank 167 out of 193 registered breed.

Health Issues

General HealthHealthy
Common Health IssuesGlaucoma, Hip Dysplasia, Hypothyroidism,
Diabetes, Patellar Luxation,
Primary Lens Luxation
Vaccination RequiredRabies, Canine Parvovirus, Leptospirosis,
Canine Parainfluenza, Canine Distemper,
Kennel Cough, Canine Coronavirus
SheddingNone to Minimal Shedder
DroolingLow Drooler
GroomingAverage Grooming Required
Weight Gain PotentialAverage to High
Separation AnxietyModerate Chance
Diets and SupplementsProtein: 23%
Fat: 8%
Omega-3 and 6 Fatty Acid

Dandie Dinmont is a generally healthy breed but is prone to genetic health problems. The average life span of this breed is 11-13 years. The possible health disease that they might suffer are as follows:

  • Glaucoma: Glaucoma can be seen in some of the Dandie Dinmont. It causes the increase in pressure in eyeballs that lead your dog to rub eyes, redness, and tear in eyes.
  • Epilepsy: Epilepsy is one of the seizure disorder. If your dog had done a seizure, consult your vet for the treatment.
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Primary lens luxation

Coats and Colors

Dandie Dinmont has a downy, soft, warm and water-resistant undercoat. The outer coat is crisp which is 2 inches longer. They come in 2 colors that are pepper and mustard.

Dandie Dinmont puppy playing


The average cost of a Dandie Dinmont is $1400- $8100 USD. However, adopting cost much lesser with only the expenses of taking care of the puppy. The average cost for adaptation is $300- $400.


The average height of adult Dandie Dinmont is 8-11 inches. The average weight is between 18-24 lbs.

Dog Breed to Dandie Dinmont

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