German Shepherd Puppies
A GSD Puppies go through many development stages and behavior before reaching the maturity age.
It is very important for you to observe every behavior and characteristics and growth of the little newborns German Shepherd.
Newborn Stage
German Shepherd puppies are fully dependent on their mother until they are 2 weeks old. They are blind, deaf, with no teeth and have to pile on their litter mates to balance the body temperature. Their mother will lick them to clean after they are born.

Neonatal Stage: 0 To 2 Weeks Old
From 0 to 2 weeks, this stage is the full development stage. The German Shepherd puppy will spend most of the time sleeping. When it’s awake, it will try to move around yet not walk.

The mother’s milk will help the newborn German Shepherd fight with diseases as it contains antibiotics in it.
Transitional Stage: 2 To 4 Weeks Old
From 2 to 4 weeks old you can notice a lot of behavior and growth changes on your newborn German Shepherds pups.

Image Source: Pinterest
Some general behavior to notice:
- Their eyes and ears will open and will be able to sense what other people and dogs look like.
- The German Shepherd puppies will start moving, barking and light growling.
- The newborn German Shepherd will be able to stand and will start exploring their surroundings.
- They will become independent from their mother and will start playing with their litter mates.
- Newborn German Shepherd will be big enough to start tasting solid foods but will still like milky and soft foods.
- Teething starts
Socialization Stage: 4 To 8 Weeks Old
At 4 weeks old your new born puppies will begin to move around more and will start socializing too. By the time the mother’s milk production slows and between 4 to 8 weeks your German Shepherd puppy is weaned onto semi-soft mushy foods.

6 to 8 weeks is the time when your German shepherd puppies teeth will be all grown and the teething process starts. It is also the period when your puppy will start bonding and start developing mentally.
Some GSD puppy tends to fear with the things all new around them however by the 50th day your German Shepherd puppy will begin to show the adult brain waves.
When the puppy is 6-8 weeks old, you should consider giving them vaccinations for Distemper and Parainfluenza. You can also vaccinate them with Bordetella vaccination.
Juvenile Stage: 8 Weeks To 6 Months
8 to 12 weeks is actually when the puppy gets adopted by their new families. It is also the time when your German Shepherd puppy can start eating solid foods since their teething has just begun.
You should vaccinate your GSD puppy with DHPP vaccinations (Distemper, Adenovirus [Hepatitis], Parainfluenza and Parvovirus) when it is 10-12 weeks. Other vaccinations for Bordetella, Lyme disease, Coronavirus, and Leptospirosis are optional. Furthermore, when the puppy is about 12-16 weeks, vaccinations for Rabies and DHPP is recommended.
Generally, a German Shepherd puppy’s front teeth are all in by 3 months and the set of all teeth are grown in by about 6 months.
Not only teething but you will notice the following things too:
- Your German Shepherd’s ears will start going up and down.
- The puppy will go through their mouthing and chewing stage while teething.
If you want your GSD pup to be well trained then this stage is the right time you could cut out the negative behaviors from your German Shepherd before they become a habit. The following things are very important:
- Take your puppy to puppy school.
- Socializing with other animals and people.
- Be consistent with the rules and boundaries both in your house and in public.
- Spend time with your GSDs as much as possible cuddling, patting, exercising.
Adolescent: 6 months to 1 or 2 Years
This phase is when your pup will start mature sexually. Males could establish dominance over other dogs and will also start marking their territories. However, females may be inconsistent with their temperament or may become escape experts.
15 to 16 months is the time when your German Shepherd will switch the solid puppy foods to adult food. From 16 to 18 months they will start. paying attention to each and everything going around them. This phase is considered to be the right time to take them to advance obedience classes.
When your German Shepherd puppy reaches 12-16 months old, re-vaccinate them with vaccinations for DHPP and Rabies. Revising the vaccination for DHPP every 1-2 years is recommended for the healthy life of your puppy.
So now that you know everything about GSD behavior and growth from newborn to 1 year, you must have surely created a nice bond with your new furry friend.
Click on Doglime for more Dog Breed Information and Their Growth Chart.