General Information

Dog NameDutch Shepherd
Other NamesHollandse Herder
Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Breed TypeShepherd
GroupHerding Dogs
Breed ForHerding and working on farms
Country of OriginNetherlands

Physical And Size

Min Life Span11
Max Life Span14
Min Ideal Weight for male32
Max Ideal Weight for male36
Min Ideal Weight for female29
Max Ideal Weight for male36


Intelligent Rank
Affection Level
Social Needs
Watchdog Ability


TemperamentIntelligent, Hard-working, Athletic
Prey DriveYes
Fighting DogNo


Stranger FriendlyLow
Child FriendlyMedium
Cat FriendlyMedium
Dog FriendlyMedium
Office FriendlyLow
Apartment FriendlyMedium
Senior Citizens FriendlyMedium
Service DogMedium
Search and Rescue DogMedium
Biting PotentialLow
Country of OriginNetherlands
Nicknames and Other NamesHollandse Herder, Dutch Herder
Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Breed TypePurebred
GroupHerding Dogs
Bred ForHerding cattle and working on the farm
Life Span11-14 years
Ideal Weight66-88 pounds
Ideal Height22-24 inches (male and female)
Fur TypeBoth short and long, rough-haired
Common ColorsGold Brindle, Yellow, Silver Brindle
AvailabilityModerately available
AchievementsPolice Dog
Suitable for ApartmentsModerately suitable
Used in World WarNo
Most Similar ToBelgian Malinois

Dutch Shepherd is a lively, alert and intelligent breed, they maintained their herding instincts for which they were developed. These breeds were originally bred to keep flocks of sheep in a particular location, for which they are perfect runners.

The Dutch Shepherd is considered to be an all purpose farm dog, as they used to work as farm guard, drover and livestock as well.

Origin & History

The Dutch Shepherd breed is originated in the Netherlands in the 1800s. Thy were mainly bred to herd sheep, cows, and other livestock and to protect farms and alert from strangers.

Dutch Shepherds are known to be loyal and intelligent companions and workers. The need for Dutch started to get decrease after the industrialization came to existence. Some Dutch Shepherd fans created the Nederlandse Herdershonden Club in 1898 to promote the Dutch Shepherd.

Are They Child Friendly?

The Dutch Shepherd are very smart and energetic, and this is what makes them an ideal family companion for children as well. They are gentle and protective towards children.

Like all other breeds they should be supervise when playing with children to make sure play time doesn’t get out of hand. Along with that your children should also be trained on how to approach with dogs to avoid accident.

Behavior, Temperament& Personality

The Dutch Shepherd is highly trainable and eager to please dogs. The temperament is loyal, affectionate, alert, obedient, reliable, intelligent.

Dutch Shepherd makes very good guards and they are very loyal to their owners. The Dutch Shepherd is very strong. Their bite force is 224 PSI, their bite can even break a man’s arm in a second.

The Dutch Shepherd owns a very playful personality. Everytime you play with, they are always excited and energetic. Plus kids will have an amazing playmate to play with.

For woking, Dutch Shepherds are mainly used for attacking, tracking, protection, detecting, bomb detection, and drug detection.


Dutch Shepherd is highly trainable dogs and known to be the healthiest and easiest to train dogs. They require adequate exercise and a confident trainer to make them their best.

They tend to be independent due to which they may be little reserved with strangers, therefore they need proper socialization soon after they are adopted. Since they are dominant by nature, so they need to be trained in a very calm and authoritative way. Avoid harsh training and commanding in loud voice.


Little facts about Dutch Shepherd Dog Breed:

  • Dutch Shepherds have the second most powerful bite.
  • They are often used in the Police department.
  • They are independent but somewhat stubborn.
  • Their jaws can be regarded as weapons.

Health Issues

General HealthHealthy
Common Health IssuesGonio Dysplasia, Hip Dysplasia,
Patellar Luxation, Heart Disease,
Dental Problem, Obesity
Vaccination RequiredKennel Cough, Canine Coronavirus Rabies,
Canine Distemper, Canine Parvovirus,
Leptospirosis, Canine Parainfluenza
SheddingModerate Shedder
DroolingLow Drooler
GroomingEasy and Minimal Grooming Required
Weight Gain PotentialLow to Moderate
Separation AnxietyModerate Chance
Diets and SupplementsProtein: 28%
Fat: 12%
Omega-3 and 6 Fatty Acid

According to Dutch breed club, these breed don’t tend to suffer any serious physical or mental disorders, the few health issues include:

  • Hip Dysplasia: Hip Dysplasia is the most common skeletal diseases seen in Dutch Shepherd.
  • Gonio Dysplasia: It is an abnormal eye defect where fluid from the eye is restricted and cannot properly drain.


The Dutch Shepherd are found in various colors, which include:

  • Brindle
  • Gold Brindle
  • Silver Brindle
  • Grey Brindle
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Blue Grey

Puppies Of Dutch Shepherd

Dutch Shepherd Puppies Need Training Soon After They Are Welcomed
Dutch Shepherd Puppy Image Via Bobandsuewilliams

Adopting a Dutch Shepherd would be life-changing, not only for the dog but also for the owner. Buying Dutch Shepherd from a reputable breeder would be the safest. When buying a puppy, be sure that the breeder does genetic testing of their animals. And be sure to verify the health information.

Which Dogs Similar To Dutch Shepherd Dogs?

Visit Doglime For More Dog Breed Information and their behavior
